Monday, September 10, 2012

Everything's Led to This

Obedience by Grant R. Nieddu (Free Download).
Free download.
Since landing in the Dominican Republic, I have taken the time to go through everything. I mean EVERYTHING.

I have pulled out my old hard drive and dug through the ancient 'Archives'. My initial thought was to merely update my website,, to reflect what Marissa and I are up to at this point.

In the process, I found some journal entries that I had completely forgotten about which contributed to leading us to the mission field. Along with that I also uncovered some my first attempt at self-publishing.

In 2006 I woke with the topic of 'obedience' on my heart. What began as a goal to merely journal what was on my heart became a blog post. The next night the same thing happen; I went to sleep and woke with the word 'obedience' on my heart. Many days and topics later, I had a small blog series on obedience.

Several days later I considered whether or not I should publish it. I didn't want to turn to ego-fodder what originated as a humbling message to my heart. But, after many days of praying, I assembled it and just put it out there. No fan fare. No marketing. No product launch or parade.

It still remains close to my heart. The reason for this is not the fact that spiritual obedience is my message to the world. (Although it is highly overlooked.) Quite the contrary. I hardly feel qualified to speak about obedience to the unctions of the spirit since I feel like my record is questionable at best.

It remains close to my heart because it led me to where I am at today; planted on the island of Hispaniola, with a decade of ministry behind me, several years of work in Haiti, and a head start on the race to establish ourselves here for long-term mission work.

When I found the manuscript for this piece, I thought of all it led to. Following the voice of the spirit, I found myself led to Lakeland, taking over as manager of a Starbucks, writing over 3 manuscripts including 'H.O.P.E. from Here to Haiti' (which I will have done in the next week or so! #happiness), met my wife and traveled the country together.

We are now pursuing our dreams to live a life of missions. Marissa is wrapping up her S.C.U.B.A. Dive Instructor certification to instruct during the tourist season and I am writing full time about topics I love, all to fund our work in helping people on this island. We are living our dream.

And it is because obedience.

The book is not necessarily profound. It is not necessarily groundbreaking. It does not cover deep philosophies as I am often wont to do. Yet it led to everything that has led to this.

It is simple. It is direct.
And it at least inspired me.
It is available on my website below.

I originally wrote it 6 years ago! Feel free to enjoy or share with others: Obedience by Grant R. Nieddu!



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