If something is truly creative it points to the artist having connected to a true spiritual discipline. If someone is spiritually disciplined you will eventually discover their creativity.
The barrier between the invisible and the visible is a thin veil. The brief passage needed to bring the invisible into the visible world is words. Words are truth in action.
The satori, angry at being ignored, resolved to kill and eat the man. The woodcutter, entirely focused on the felling of the tree had not thought about the satori in some time and was unaware of its presence.
They think 'ignorance is bliss' gives them a free pass. Only becoming more enlightened will help us eliminate delusion & work with the Law to make our world better.
You don't know enough, aren't fast enough, have enough money, or don't know the right people; that's all you. Pro Tip: It's not actually you. It's a sub-human version of you.