Monday, May 14, 2007

Creativity Created the Creative

If we were created in the image of our Creator, then we are creative.

I believe that to create things, to multiply, is in our created nature. Said another way, it is our intended purpose.

Human tendency for more is tell-tale of this truth. Though it often manifests in an insatiable appetite of consumption, the fact that "more" is on the tip of our tongue I believe is a proof of this creative nature. "Go forth and multiple" bears not only a command to increase, but increase by creation.

This being the case, HOW does one create? Oh, we know how to do art, but you know that I mean something far more profound that that. Though macaroni necklaces and Sistine Chapels are awe-inspiring, I am talking about creating life. And not just baby-making folks, but creating OUR OWN LIFE. How do we create, or re-create, ourselves? How can we live the dream; our dream?

We know we want more. The ideas, the desires, are in our heads. But how do we take it out of the ether and into reality?

Well, how it manifests in its fullness is still quite a mystery to me, but I do know how to take it from the mind into reality.

WRITE IT DOWN! The act of writing our dreams is, in my opinion, the first steps of creation. Now, writing may include drawing it, but it is not just art. I believe that creating with purpose brings about the Law of Attraction to manifest that thing in its fullness.

I always recommend to people to do their "Top 100" list.
  • Write down the top 100 things you want to do, see or be. Physically, Mentally, Financially and Spiritually, make a category for each one.
  • Be sure to put that thing in the present possessive form. ('I am', 'I have', 'I earn', 'I love', 'I travel to', etc.)
  • Do this, EVEN IF IT FEELS LIKE YOU ARE LYING TO YOURSELF. You aren't. You are simply disagreeing with old belief patterns that do not align with your desire to create your life.
  • Look at it twice a day, more if possible. Memorize them if you can.
This very act of writing them down, listing them, focusing on them, makes you more aware of the serendipitous moments (divine appointments, if you will) to make those things a reality.

You will begin to see hope where you had doubt.
You will begin to see promise where you used to see discouragement.
You will be open to unexpected opportunities where you only saw obstacles.

For example, I was on my first around-the-world trip two years ago. We had set sail from Vancouver, Canada and almost immediately hit intense weather (waves in excess of 30 feet, hurricane-force winds, and temperatures of 30 degrees and colder.) I will spare you the details for when we have more time, but we were disabled by a 50 foot wave and drifted for some time. When the captain and crew so bravely corrected the situation, we had to turn to some small islands in the middle of the Pacific for repairs.

The kids were upset that they were missing South Korea and Japan (our first two stops.) Parents were outraged at the danger their children had been in. Even some of my new friends felt uneasy.

I laughed! I couldn't help it. I ran down stairs and grabbed my "Top 100" list (or my Dream Machine, as I call it.) I pointed out to them one of the major goals on this Top 100 list.

I boldly and confidently said this to them, "I believe that God wrecked this ship for me." They shook their heads in disbelief. I pointed to Top 100 goal number 43: 'I surf in Hawaii.'

We spent the next two weeks surfing on Waikiki and exploring the island of Oahu. On that same 4-month trip, I saw many of my Top 100 goals come to pass: 54) I see the stars in a different hemisphere, 23) I preach in a 3rd-world country, 63) visit the wine lands in South Africa, and 87) make friends all over the world, just to name a few.

Writing your Top 100 will tremendously help you create the dream life, the life you have always wanted. I don't know how it will manifest in its fullness, but your attention and expectation (you could even say your faith) will focus on those goals, and you will live the creative life you desire.

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