Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 02 Without Running Water & Rookie Missionary Tip 015: Keep a Journal

Here is the lastest #RookieMissionary #Tip of the Day!

What do you do without running water? Especially when dealing with (ahem) bathroom issues?

Take water from your 5 gallon drinking water, put it in a pan, and pour it in your toilet! 5 gallons of water is $40 DRP, or about $1 USD. So, using a little drinking water is not easy to agree to, but its gotta be done.

Showers are just dips in the ocean. Salty, yes. Better than sleeping in your rank skin, also yes.

Also, check out Marissa's new experimental blog,

Finally, today we are attempting to put together a smashing website back-office for our awesome monthly supporters. BAM!

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